

  1. 隱私政策的範圍

• 隱私政策涵蓋本網站在您使用我們的服務時收集的個人可識別信息的處理方式。



  1. 個人數據的收集、處理和使用

• 當您訪問本網站或使用其功能服務時,我們可能會基於服務的性質要求必要的個人數據。


• 當您與網站上的互動功能(例如服務郵箱或調查)互動時,我們將保留您提供的信息,


• 在一般瀏覽過程中,服務器將自動記錄相關活動,例如您的IP地址、使用時間、瀏覽器、瀏覽和點擊數據,


• 為了提供精確的服務,我們可能會統計分析收集的調查內容,呈現統計數據或解釋性文字。



  1. 數據保護

• 只有經過授權的人員可以訪問您的個人數據。在業務需要的情況下,



  1. 網站的相關外部連結

• 網站的網頁提供了指向其他網站的連結。點擊這些連結,您可能會進入其他網站。



  1. 與第三方分享個人數據的政策

• 本網站絕不會向其他個人、團體、私人企業或政府機構提供、交換、出租或出售您的任何個人數據,


  • 經您書面同意。

  • 法律規定。

  • 為了防止對您的生命、身體、自由或財產造成危險。

  • 基於公共利益與政府機構或學術研究機構合作進行必要的統計或學術研究,且以無法識別特定個人的方式處理或收集資料。

  • 當您在本網站上的行為違反服務條款或可能損害或乾擾本網站及其他使用者的權利,本網站管理單位在必要時披露您的個人資料以便識別、聯繫或採取法律行動時。

  • 有利於您的權利。

  • 當本網站委託供應商協助收集、處理或使用您的個人資料時,我們將對其責任進行相應的監督和管理。


  1. Cookies 的使用

• 為了向您提供最佳服務,本網站在您的電腦上放置和訪問 Cookies。

  如果您不願意接受 Cookies,您可以在瀏覽器設置中將隱私級別設置為高以拒絕 Cookies 的寫入,



  1. 隱私政策的修訂

• 本網站的隱私政策可能會根據需要隨時進行修訂,修訂條款將發布在網站上。


Privacy Policy

Tangpuzi Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the website") is dedicated to providing you with a secure experience while using our services and information. We hereby present the Privacy Policy to safeguard your rights and interests. Please read the following content:

I. Scope of Privacy Policy
• The Privacy Policy covers how the website handles personal identifiable information collected when you use our services. It does not apply to other linked websites outside of the website, nor does it apply to personnel not commissioned or involved in the management of the website.

II. Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data
• When you visit the website or use its functional services, we may request necessary personal data based on the nature of the service. We will process and use your personal data solely for specific purposes within that scope, without your written consent.
• When you interact with interactive features such as service mailboxes or surveys on the website, we will retain the information provided, including your name, email address, contact information, and usage time.
• During general browsing, the server automatically records relevant activities, such as your IP address, usage time, browser, browsing and clicking data, to improve our website services. This record is for internal use only and will not be disclosed externally.
• To provide accurate services, we may statistically analyze the content of collected surveys, present statistical data, or explanatory text. Except for internal research purposes, we may disclose statistical data and explanatory text as needed, but it will not involve specific personal information.

III. Data Protection
• Only authorized personnel can access your personal data. When necessary for business needs, we may entrust other units to provide services, but we will strictly require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and conduct necessary inspections to ensure compliance.

IV. Related External Links of the Website
• The webpages of the website provide links to other websites. By clicking on these links, you may enter other websites. However, the privacy policy of these linked websites does not apply to the website. You must refer to the privacy policy of the linked websites.

V. Policy on Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

• The website will never provide, exchange, rent, or sell any of your personal data to other individuals, groups, private companies, or government agencies, except in the cases stipulated by law or contractual obligations.

The above situations include but are not limited to:

  1. With your written consent.
  2. Stipulated by law.
  3. To prevent danger to your life, body, freedom, or property.
  4. Cooperation with government agencies or academic research institutions for necessary statistics or academic research based on public interest, and the data is processed or collected in a way that cannot identify specific individuals.
  5. When your actions on the website violate the terms of service or may damage or interfere with the rights of the website and other users, and the website management unit discloses your personal data to identify, contact, or take legal action as necessary.
  6. Beneficial to your rights.
  7. When the website commissions vendors to assist in collecting, processing, or using your personal data, we will supervise and manage their responsibilities accordingly.

VI. Use of Cookies
• To provide you with the best service, the website places and accesses Cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to accept Cookies, you can set the privacy level to high in your browser settings to reject the writing of Cookies, but it may result in some functions of the website not working properly.

VII. Revision of Privacy Policy

• The Privacy Policy of the website may be revised at any time according to needs, and the revised terms will be posted on the website.


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